Created by Larry and Pam 8 years ago
Jere you have not visited me yet in my dreams, I wish you would, but you have visited with others and I always find it comforting when I hear about it.
Seth's Dream 6/29/15
I was sleeping in the dream and he woke me up like he use to do if I was on the couch sleeping at the house, by trying to joke with me. Then I saw him and began to cry walking towards him. We hugged and I told him how much we missed him and loved him. The hugging each other was so real. I then asked him if he spoke to Andy yet. At that point I heard myself talking and woke up.
Sharri's Dream 11/8/15
After Shad died I would have dreams of him but every time I would try and touch or talk to him he would disappear. It took a good 2 years when I finally was able to touch his hand. The more I dreamt of him the more I got to touch and finally hug him. Last night Shad tapped me on the shoulder with the biggest grin and said look who I have with me, turning and pointing to Jere. I started to cry, he waved and smiled at me. I believe they wanted us to know they are together.
Andy's Dream 6/29/15
I had a dream about Jere on Friday morning. He told me he was fine and not to worry about him cause he's ok.
Alan's Dreams 7/2/15
Jer and I were going to work thru gate security and everything was normal... just for the moment. It's nice that he is with us in our dreams.
Jer visited me this week in my dreams. We talked, joked and he is good. When I woke I was sobbing, happy to see him but incredibly sad he was gone when I woke up. I was almost screaming "he was right there!" We will get thru this. I'm very happy he has such an incredible family. I am always here for you.