My Mother's Day Present

Created by Larry and Pam 9 years ago
Jeremiah Scot Hylton was born May 11th 1981, he was born the day after Mother's day but has always been my mother's day present. He was named after the movie Jeremiah Johnson and the prisoner of war Jeremiah Denton. His middle name was after Uncle Scot. He was a sweet and sensitive boy, always getting into things and trying to help. He was about 18 months old when he climbed a ladder to the garage roof and came walking over the peak to help his Dad roof the garage. Larry just quietly said "Hi Jere" and slowly reached out to grab him because he did not want to startle Jere and make him fall. He loved water, when Jere was just a few years old he would be taking a bath and would lie down on his back with the water over his face, his eyes would be wide open and he would be smiling away.